Sitting on the cusp of {ONE}; just trying to smile through the heaviness I am feeling, the pure finality of it all seems overwhelming. Almost surreal. Sitting in the bathroom staring at a faint positive sign that was YOU. The picture of a sonogram peeking between your legs, a perfect little boy, that was YOU. Your little feet pressed firmly against my ribcage, that was YOU. A breech pregnancy leading to a planned caesarian was a true definition of bittersweet and that was YOU. Seeing YOU for the first time I knew YOU, I knew YOU were mine! My stomach was still cut open on the operating table, yet I had never felt so whole. It has always been you! From the very beginning, YOU were my first chapter of motherhood- the baking and birthing of babies - with such a prefect ending! I am so happy it was YOU Tucker, my first born son. To be honest I wish we could skip this day all together and pretend that you can stay a baby forever. But instead I am going to tuck my tears and celebrate like crazy for my favorite little boy!
'Cause each trip around God's glorious sun is nothing but a gift! Happy almost Birthday baby!
Mommy loves you! xoxo
I had so much fun styling this session, and even more fun taking the pictures! I probably drove my husband crazy but we were both so happy with the end result!